
Textile Research Centre and the Knitting History Forum – Finale of the Texel Stockings Project
Join the Textile Research Centre and the Knitting History Forum at the finale of the Texel Stockings Project in the historic centre of Leiden, The Netherlands! As many as a hundred volunteers were involved in making reconstructions of the 17th century silk stockings from Texel. The symposium on Sat. 2nd November will explore the results…
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Registration now open for International Conference ‘The Making of Art Expertise’ – 8-10 May, Utrecht and Amsterdam
Organisation: Sven Dupré, Jenny Boulboullé, Jill Briggeman, Esther van Duijn and Mariana Pinto Institutions: Utrecht University, University of Amsterdam, NICAS and Rijksmuseum Registration is now open! Please register through an email to, stating your name, affiliation, and which day(s) you want to attend the conference (-and, if applicable, your preferred choice of thematic session…
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International Experimental Archaeology Conference, 2-4 May, Trento
The 11th EAC, International Experimental Archaeology Conference, takes place 2-4 May in Trento (IT). The programme is packed with almost 80 presentations on reconstructive and experimental archaeology. On the last day, there are excursions, among others to see Oetzi. More information, programme and all abstracts:
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New blog post online about practice-as-research in the humanities by RRR member Paul Craddock
Read Paul Craddock’s new blog post on the first time he used RRR methods in his research, written for the UK’s Practice Research Advisory Group: Link to the article
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Symposium The New Custodians, Van Abbemuseum Eindhoven, 23 October
Het symposium is een samenwerking tussen de Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed en het Van Abbemuseum en een afsluiting van het kennisprogramma Erfgoed van de Moderne Tijd. Vier jaar lang zochten wij samen met tientallen partners uit het erfgoedveld naar antwoorden op prangende vragen over de betekenis van collecties en nieuwe presentatievormen in een tijd…
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Two PhD positions for conservators/art historians at the University of Amsterdam
We would like to draw your attention to two PhD positions at the University of Amsterdam, within research programme ‘Down to the Ground: a historical, visual and scientific analysis of coloured grounds in Netherlandish paintings, 1550-1650’. Apply before September 20, 2018. PhD candidate ‘The spread of coloured grounds to the Netherlands, 1550-1650’–the-spread-of-coloured-grounds-to-the-netherlands-1550-1650.html PhD candidate…
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Opinion piece by RRR member Paul Craddock in THE on how films should be an academic focus
Recently, the Times Higher Education published an opinion piece Paul Craddock (Director of Smart Docs and Senior Research Associate (Hon.), UCL Department of Surgery) wrote on how films should be an academic focus. Written articles may usually be the most appropriate scholarly medium, he asks, but why are the alternatives so undervalued? Link: The…
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Weaving Knowledge Workshop for PhD students, Thailand, January 4-18, 2019
Conveners: Nussara Tiengkate, textile historian, weaver, and designer, Jai-Sook Studio, Chiang Mai Thailand Pamela H. Smith, Seth Low professor of History and founding Director of the Center for Science and Society at Columbia University, USA The Workshop This two-week workshop aims to engage both the theory and practice of craft knowledge by teaching participants…
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Video online of workshop ‘The Art of Dyeing Silk’, Rijks Erfgoed Laboratorium
Colour reproductions of historical recipes and dialogue about practical skills – two-day workshop Eight natural sources of red dye, namely brazilwood, madder, safflower, annatto, lac dye, American cochineal and kermes were used to dye silk with complex historical recipes. The main aim of the workshop was to offer participants a thorough understanding on the importance of…
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International Orgelpark Symposium 7 – 9 June 2018: ‘Clavichord & Organ: Companions for Centuries’
Download the full programme here For centuries, organists prepared their music on the clavichord; to play the organ they needed calcants to operate the bellows, and often official permission as well. Yet, the differences between the two instruments are quite impressive: clavichords are tiny, and their sound is both soft and dynamic. Wat impact had playing…
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