RRR Network


The RRR Network is an interdisciplinary and international network of researchers, curators, and artists employing performative methods in the humanities and social sciences. The network’s aim is to offer a platform for sustained, interdisciplinary reflections on performative methods, variously known as reconstruction, re-enactment and replication (RRR) practices (also: reproduction, re-working, restoration of behaviour) across the fields of history of science, archaeology, art history, conservation, musicology, media studies, artistic research, anthropology and other disciplines. Until now, interdisciplinary connections have been a rare exception, approaches to RRR having been developed within the disciplines themselves. The RRR Network fosters the interdisciplinary exchange of experiences with performative methods by facilitating cross-disciplinary RRR workshops and communication. It has been established as an outcome of the NIAS Lorentz Workshop, organized by Sven Dupré, Anna Harris, Julia Kursell, Patricia Lulof, Maartje Stols-Witlox, in June 2017, and is open for membership to all researchers with an interest in performative methods.